Check out what chaos Wollongong’s Wild Weather has caused

Home / Blog / Check out what chaos Wollongong’s Wild Weather has caused

It’s been a wild few months of weather on the South Coast of NSW recently, with some stunning Summer’s-in-the-air sunny days by the beach followed by cold and damp feroucious wind attacks.

And we might be a small, family business but the nature of our work means we’re up in the middle of the night responding to calls from the SES to take on trees that have fallen onto homes, cars or streets and clearing debris to make things safe for everyone to ‘get back to normal’ in the morning.

Working with insurance companies also means we’re on call as the tree care specialists to visit people’s homes after the storm has passed and assess the damage Mother Nature has caused.

We’ve seen all sorts! Such as this one, a White Cedar Tree in Thirroul – 20metres high and 3.6metres wide at the root – that fell into a neighbour’s garden, taking out 5 other trees and damaging a fence.

Luckily no-one was hurt.



And this one in Mount Kembla, which saw a backyard playground smashed by another massive White Cedar:



And a nasty, thorny Coral tree that took out a washing line and basketball court play area in Berkeley:



We’re getting set for some more wild, wet weather – and not much sleep!

Hurry up Summer…

Stay Safe everyone, and watch out for your neighbours –
