It Takes a Village – Bohmer’s working with the brilliant Green Connect

We were delighted to support the wonderful work that Green Connect do in our community by funding their brand new Community Garden at the entrance to their famous farm in Warrawong, something that they’ve wanted to do for a while. “What we have achieved at the farm in the last year is extraordinary and it will change […]
Bushfires: How best to protect your home

We’re often asked what the best ways are to prepare and protect your home from bushfires – here’s some excellent advice from the RFS (at their website we’d strongly advise you to take some time out to read (a few minutes could save your home, lives and livelihood!). Even if your plan is to […]
Tree Vandalism makes it into the news again

How do you put a value on Tree Vandalism? There was alot of uproar recently regarding local vandalised trees in public areas (see the full story here), planted by Council to allow for enjoyment by the tax-paying public plus to benefit the local natural environs for our future. The response came from two primary concerned […]
Bohmer’s Oct+Nov Special $100 OFF + Free Mulch + More

To help get things in order in the garden during those longer, lighter and warmer evenings ahead spent with friends and family and save some hard earned dollars, we’re offering $100 off new jobs booked by the end of November (midnight 30.11.23 / work carried out after this date). That also includes free mulch on relevant […]
Check out what chaos Wollongong’s Wild Weather has caused

It’s been a wild few months of weather on the South Coast of NSW recently, with some stunning Summer’s-in-the-air sunny days by the beach followed by cold and damp feroucious wind attacks. And we might be a small, family business but the nature of our work means we’re up in the middle of the night […]

Q: I would like to extend my family home on some existing land we own which has lots of trees on it. What should I do in regards to getting rid of the trees? Is it quicker to include them in the DA or just ask Council directly to grant me permission to remove? A: […]
5***** Customer Reviews Continue!

You’ve probably guessed by now that we love what we do (to be honest, it’s all we’ve ever known) – and we go out of our way to educate others on why it’s so important to take care of their (and others or the public’s) trees and why choosing the right people for the job […]
Bohmer’s as a ‘Digital Business’ featured in Govt video

We were delighted to have a visit from Canberra’s Department Of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research – Small Business Digital Taskforce (who have partnered with Mr Apprentice & Mentor himself, Mark Bouris) to be interviewed about how we use technology across all of our operations to improve the overall experience for our staff, clients and customers […]
$50 up for grabs for your local school, club or community group!

Each time someone books a job with Bohmer’s and mentions your school, sports or community group we’ll donate $50. Because Bohmer’s knows that from little things, big things grow. Contact us if you need more info! *Some T&Cs apply / Jobs must be over a set amount to be eligible / Recipient must be mentioned […]
Ask Bohmer: Tree Vandalism, Neighbour Disputes & The Council

Q: A neighbouring tree is a nuisance and is dropping leaves and looks like it could even fall onto our property – but what are the repercussions if someone was to ‘kill’ it? A: We get asked about this issue a lot and as much as it’s frustrating, it falls under the category of criminal […]